Join Us


The WNY Business Network (BizNet) is an association of business professionals who meet weekly to promote and benefit the businesses of its individual members.

How to Become a Member

Each member occupies one business category. Only one member per category is allowed at any given time. To determine whether your business category is available, please contact us by submitting a request, or email

You may also decide to attend a meeting and speak directly with the president in order to determine if your occupation presents a conflict with an existing member.

  • To become a member of the WNY Business Network you must first attend two consecutive meetings.  If you attend one meeting and miss the following week, you will need to start again and attend to consecutive meetings. 
  • Once you have attended the required meetings, and become acquainted with some of the members, a private vote will be conducted by the board and members as to your acceptance into the network group.
  • If you are voted in as a new member, you will be expected to attend regular meetings, review the by-laws of the club, and begin experiencing the benefits of the WNY Business Network. 


New members will make an initial payment of $150.00.  This payment includes a one-time initiation fee of $10.00, and four (4) months of dues at $35.00 per month, representing your first month, and your 13th, 14th and 15th months of membership.  This structure is designed to promote long term membership.

All members remain in good standing with both regular meeting attendance and keeping your dues current which are due the first Thursday meeting of every month.